BOPP Glossy Film (Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Glossy Film) is a commonly used packaging material, known for its excellent gloss, superior transparency, and good abrasion resistance. It is widely used in food packaging, book covers, labels, and advertising. However, manufacturers of BOPP films advise that there are seven key aspects consumers must pay attention to in order to achieve optimal protection.

7 Key Considerations When Using BOPP Glossy Film

1. Storage Conditions

Keep It Dry
BOPP Glossy Film needs to be kept dry during storage. Moisture can affect the film’s adhesion and overall performance, so it should be avoided in damp environments. The ideal storage environment is a dry place with temperatures controlled between 15-25°C and relative humidity below 50%.

Avoid Direct Sunlight
Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause the color of BOPP Glossy Film to fade or degrade its performance. Therefore, the film should be stored in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.

Proper Stacking
When storing, BOPP Glossy Film should be stacked horizontally, avoiding heavy objects on top to prevent deformation or damage. If the film rolls are large, ensure they are placed flat to avoid curling or folding.

2. Handling and Operation

Avoid Scratches
Care should be taken to avoid scratching or damaging the surface of BOPP Glossy Film during use and handling. Scratches on the film’s surface not only affect its appearance but may also impact print quality or adhesion.

Keep Clean
Ensure that hands and tools are clean during handling to avoid transferring dust, grease, or other contaminants to the film’s surface. Contaminants can lead to poor adhesion or affect the film’s gloss.

Use Proper Tools
When using knives or scissors, be cautious to prevent unnecessary damage to the film. It is recommended to use specialized cutting tools or equipment to achieve cleaner edges.

3. Application Techniques

Appropriate Temperature and Humidity
When performing heat sealing or other processing operations, ensure that the temperature and humidity conditions are set according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Too high or too low temperatures can affect the film’s adhesion or sealing performance. Therefore, it should not be applied to objects above 150°C.

Test Adhesion
Before full-scale production, conduct a test run with a small batch to check the adhesion and suitability of BOPP Glossy Film to ensure compatibility with other materials and the expected final result.

Avoid Overstretching
When applying BOPP Glossy Film, try to avoid overstretching. Overstretching can decrease the film’s mechanical properties and lead to an uneven appearance of the product.

Gloss Lamination Film Workshop

4. Printing and Post-Processing

Choose Appropriate Ink
If BOPP Glossy Film needs to be printed, ensure that the ink used is compatible with the film material. Using incompatible ink can result in poor print quality or inadequate ink adhesion.

Monitor Drying Time
After printing, BOPP Glossy Film requires sufficient drying time to ensure that the ink is fully dried. Undried ink may transfer or stick during subsequent processing.

Avoid Excessive Heat Treatment
During any form of heat treatment, avoid excessive heating. Too high temperatures can cause the film’s surface to deform, melt, or lose its gloss.

5. Quality Checks

Regular Quality Inspection
Regularly check the quality of BOPP Glossy Film during use to identify any bubbles, discoloration, or other defects. If issues are found, stop using the film immediately and contact the supplier for a solution.

Monitor Production Environment
Maintain stability in the production environment, avoiding drastic changes in temperature, humidity, and cleanliness. This helps ensure the film’s performance and consistency in production.

Record Usage
Establish a detailed record system to track each batch of film, its production batch, usage, and any issues encountered. This will help in tracking quality and addressing potential problems.

6. Environmental Protection and Recycling

Follow Environmental Regulations
Production and use of BOPP Glossy Film should comply with relevant environmental regulations to minimize negative impacts. Understand and follow local waste management and recycling regulations.

Whenever possible, send used BOPP Glossy Film to professional recycling facilities to reduce environmental impact. Some BOPP films can be reprocessed and reused, contributing to effective resource recycling.

7. Supplier Selection

Choose Reputable Suppliers
Selecting a reputable supplier ensures you receive high-quality BOPP Glossy Film. Understand the supplier’s production processes, quality control, and customer service to obtain reliable products and support.

Obtain Technical Support
Maintain good communication with the supplier to get timely technical support and product information. This helps in solving issues encountered during use and optimizing the film’s performance.

gloss film lamination


In summary, there are seven key aspects to consider when using BOPP Glossy Film. Paying attention to these factors will help you achieve the best results. If you need to order BOPP film products, please contact us directly by phone for consultation.